Third Report of HSN

All donations kindly made to HSN, no matter how small, have been extremely valuable and we have been able to put every penny to good use.

» Donation informations

In the past four months we have provided accommodation to two women and one man who were in need of help after serious burn accidents.

A . G. (22 years old) from India also has been living in our hostel since her accident. We have been providing her with English classes. Now she has finished her basic level course and she is currently attending a basic computer course and a 2nd level English course. A.G. is very happy to speak English. She is having contact with her family from time to time and her plan is going back to her family.

Bini Maharjan (22 years old) from Hetauda was staying with HSN (as mentioned in our last report). She had her operation five months ago and came to HSN afterwards for support. We provided her with counseling and also requested the hospital to give her free treatment. Bini Maharjan was happy to have support from us, but she also felt very sad because she lost one of her fingers through the accident. The burns made the finger useless and it caused a lot of problems for her, so it was decided to take it off. Her plan is to open up her own business, a small tailor shop, to make a living. We promised her, that we will help her putting her plan into practice. We are very happy that she has such a positive outlook on her future.

Diya Shrestha is still supported by HSN for her education, as mentioned in the last report. We are regularly visiting her school to find out how she is progressing. The teachers say she is a very hard studying, happy young girl. She is very well-liked by her teachers and also her family is very happy with her. Her grades for 2009 were very good, so we decided to extend the support for her and paid for her school for 2010 (this includes the monthly fees, admission fees, stationary and school).

Ambika Sawat
She is from a remote village and had an accident with hot oil burning her hands. HSN is supporting her with her education (school, stationary and uniform) since April last year. She has good grades and her teacher told us that Ambika is proud of herself. She likes to continue with her studies. We are very proud of her, too.

Suntali Shrestha (22 years) Raj Shrestha (24 years) are husband and wife. They had an accident at their room with petrol. Right after the accident their family and neighbors brought them to the nearby government hospital. They have got treatment at the hospital, but the family called us to come over and look for the injured couple. We saw that their condition was very bad. The government hospital has no Intensive Care Unit so we brought them to a private hospital with an ICU At Sushma Koirala Memorial hospital they were provided with very good treatment. After their time at the hospital we made them stay at a hostel and provided them and their families with counseling. Suntali and Raj are from a middle class family and they were able to pay the hospital bills themselves. They have a 9 month old son, who is a very quite boy.

Mina Sharma (25 years)
She is a young woman and a burn survivor with two young sons. She had an accident with kerosene. Mina Sharma had treatment at SKM hospital and will have some more surgery in the future. HSN provided her with counseling and supported her paying for her medicine.

Ayasworya (9 years)
She is a young girl from a small village. She had an accident playing with fire in her family’s garden. It was tried to give her medical treatment at the village, but as this was not successful, she was brought to Kathmandu. At the hospital Ayasworya has got free treatment.

HSN provided her and her family with food and brought medicine and also some toys to the little girl. She is doing better now and is back at the village with her family. We promised her, that we will provide for her if she needs any help in the future.

Nabindra Khadki (9 years)
Nabindra is a young boy from Kathmandu. He had an accident with electricity were he suffered burns on his body. His family brought him to the city’s children’s hospital. After a while Nabindra developed big problems with the fingers of his left hand, but the hospital told his family that there is no possibility to correct that. HSN brought him to another hospital with which we work together and the doctors were positive that the fingers could be corrected. Nabindra had surgery on his hand and had to stay one more. During this time HSN was supporting him with medicine and food as his family is very poor. Today Nabindra’s fingers are fine and he is back with his family.

In the last 4 months we also have provided food for some burn patients at the hospital. They get free medical treatment but food can be a problem so we stepped in and helped these patients.

Dhan Bahadur
He is an older man who is from a very poor family. During one of HSN’s visits to the hospital, his family asked us for food support. Dan Bahadur has a bone disease in his legs which will take very long for healing. He is not a burn patient, but we decided to provide him and his wife with food for 45 days. As he is still in the hospital by now, we will prolong the support for another two weeks.

Anish Sunar (3 years)
He is a young boy form the village of Helambu. He had and accident with fire were he suffered burns. At the hospital he has got all treatment for free. HSN supported Anish and his family with food for 36 days and paid for transportation going back to Helambu after he finished his treatment.

Food supports from HSN
While patients are staying at the hospital, HSN is providing them food. We are getting the food from a small but very good Nepali restaurant. We are always providing food for the patient and the patients care person.

HSN food provide at the hospital
Morning time: A cup of tea and Dal Bhat (Nepali Lunch)
Day time: A cup of tea
Evening time: Dal Bhat (Nepali Dinner)

Usually the Dal Bhat (rice with lentil soup and vegetable curry) is vegetarian, but once a week we get the Dal Bhat with meat. For two people per day the costs are around 450 Nepali Rupees which is around 4,50 Euro.

We also provided food to old people who live in the old people’s home near the temple area of Pashupatinath in Kathmandu. Over 230 old people live in this home under very hard conditions. They are very poor and do not have much to eat. That is why HSN came up with the idea to provide food for the old people living at Pashupatinath.
For every person we hand out a package of food like this:
1 package of Nepali noodles (16 Rupees)
1 package of biscuits (10 Rupees)
1 small packet of juice (20 Rupees)
2 bananas (10 Rupees)

For each person that means a total of 56 Rupees which is less than 1 Euro.
When we gave the old people this food they were so happy, it made us cry. If any of you are interested to help us with this work, please contact us. A little help can bring a lot of happiness to the people at Pashupatinath.

Our primary incentive is to support women who have had burns accidents but because of our philosophy of ompassion for all those subjected to suffering due to social inequality and discrimination, we extend our help to all those we can. By offering financial help training and education we are providing these women and children opportunity to escape poverty and a build a better future for themselves.

HSN also has its own product line in Christmas decorations and cloth purses made by the women who have had burn accidents. Selling these items provides them with the means to earn a fair wage, and a percentage of the profit also provides financial assistance to the women whose injuries prevent them from being physically capable of working. All money donated, no matter how small has been extremely useful in enabling a better quality of life for the people mentioned above. HSN is a small volunteer run organization and every penny donated goes directly to lost in bureaucracy, wages or overheads. We are a relatively new organization. We are small and our resources are limited, but with time and effort we will grow and help to improve the lives of many more people to come and to raise awareness of the currently ignored issues about burn accidents, poverty and gender related violence that unfortunately still exists in Nepali society. We are working for human rights equality and empowerment, to fight discrimination and bring about social change. If you would like to purchase any of these items, make a further donation or collaborate with us in any way you can, we would greatly appreciate your support.

Thank you for your help. » Donation informations

Kind regards,
Help Society Nepal

Radha Laxmi Shrestha
